Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

Our group separated into 3 smaller groups to get more done today. I (Heidi) went back to the Medi-Share hospital. I am starting to feel more comfortable there. It was a varied group of patients. 4 Hydrocephalus patients, one burn patient and a young lady who was in a car accident. One boy is finishing his antibiotics after having 60 mls of pus removed from his brain. We are trying to coordinate a couple discharges to orphanages. And I continued to struggle with programming my NJ feeds to go in over 4 hours by judging the number of drips a minute. I have bolused my poor patient so many times this week. One weird thing happened to me today. I went to the Pharmacy to find Nystatin Cream. I was told to talk to the Director of the Pharmacy, Martin. When I met him, I realized that I travelled with him to Haiti last year with No Time For Poverty. What a small world. I was talking to Becky today about how this is turning into the trip we couldn't have even dreamed up. We are going to have the opportunity to work in a Haitian hospital, mobile clinics in the poorest neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, an existing clinic, set up our own clinic in a safehouse to work with victims of gender based violence, visit orphanages, souvenir shop (of course) and see the city center square. We are tired but excited. Heidi

Judy plans on writing later, she is off to the bar...priorities.

Hey everyone,

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